Teacher & Supervisor
Utrecht University of the Arts (2016 - Current)
At the HKU, I teach a variety of development subjects, from their first Unity classes, to Maths, AI, Networking and C++. I'm also a supervisor during group projects throughout the years, graduation supervisor, and I'm part of the Education Committee.
2016 - 2023
The bread and butter of being a teacher: teaching classes. From their first steps in Unity, basic maths, all the way to their Graduation projects.
ReadHKU Projects Platform
A student once asked if I could show them what other students made in previous years. I realised I couldn't easily do that, so I made a website that could.
2016 - 2023
I've built a number of tools to aid me in the more tedious parts of being a teacher, so I can focus on the things that actually matters: the students.
ReadEducation Committee
2020 - 2023
The Education Committee is a consultative body that consists of both students and teachers. Their most important task is to advise the director of their school about safeguarding and promoting the quality of the curriculum.