
Category : student

This is probably one of the most fun projects I’ve done as a student. A game by 5 students, built in 8 weeks during our second year at the HKU. Godlike is a multiplayer hack’n’slash game for up to 20 people. Every player starts out for themselves. By claiming pieces of totem pole that are spread out over the level, you can start a religion. Other players can either start following you by praying at your totem pole, thus joining your team, or they can try to steal it. When you have enough followers, you will ascend to become a God, so you can help your team from above with divine powers, such as lightning strikes, walls of fire, or healing. If you lose your followers however, you will come crashing down just as hard.

Team 6 - Godlike (Trailer) from Chiel Brand on Vimeo.

During this project, I was responsible for all low-level systems, including the entire networking system. For this, I used a framework called SmartFoxServer, because back then, Unity’s own Networking solution was often still very buggy. The Server then was a Java application, while the client ran in Unity. The entire system used an authoritative server which ran the entire simulation, and used client-side prediction, including for the movements of other players, to make it feel as smooth as possible for the player.

About Vincent Booman

Hi, my name is Vincent Booman. For me, development is not about a specific language or software, it's about what kind of impact they enable.

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